2014年1月25日 星期六

研究生的畢業典禮 The Graduation Ceremony of Graduates'

This was the graduates' graduation ceremony. The woman was a kind of symbol. I should ask what she standed for. She was not a graduate. That was for sure.
今天順利的到達Uppsala University的Main Building參加研究生的畢業典禮。我其實是想進去拍建築物的內部,開學典禮那天不敢拍><雖然說我知道大概內容都會是瑞典文,我會是鴨子聽雷,但我還是想進去。
I arrived at Uppsala Universiyt' s Main Building successfully to attend the ceremony of graduates' graduation. Actually, I wanted to take photoes of the building inside. I did not dare to take photoes on the orientation. Although I knew the content probably would be all in Swedish, and I would probably be like a duck haering thunder, I wanted to go.

The ceremony started twelve pass a quater. But like all kind of occations in Sweden, you should be seated at twelve. I arrived exactly on time, went up stair, and found my seat. But I found out people still walking in and out constantly. So I desided to slip out and take some pictures. One of them was taken together with the lady in above. But it didn't focuse on us. It didn't look good. Yet, I finally got the chance to take the photoes inside of the building.
It has a beautiful ceiling and colors of blue and yellow conveying dignity.
As the ceremony started, I could not walk around. So I seated on the box at second floor, which had few people. The chairs are all made from wood. It was a pity that I did not know what kind of wood it used. Upon looking mindlessly, the orchestra started. Ladies and gentlemen wearing unifroms standed up as well as people on the first floor. But people up stair looked around and then standed up. I mimicked them. At this moment, the lady in the picture went on stage, and then the flag of UU appeared.

音樂結束,全體坐下,接下來開始的應該就和台灣差不多,長官致詞,我通通聽不懂,前方的來賓低頭觀望,似乎有他們的家人是畢業生,而我左後方坐了一位進出管理的先生,他倒真的不斷進進出出,右邊則是一位年輕人,在音樂完畢後他竟然就橫躺在椅子上睡覺了! 我開手機,開始當低頭族。
After the music ended, every one seated down. Then, it was like what would happen in Taiwan: talks gived by officers. I compeletly could not understand. The guest seated infront looked at first floor. It seemed they had their family members down there And a sir countroling people walking in and out was on my back left. He really walked in and out nonstoppedly. On my right, there was a young man. He laid on chair to sleep after the music ended. I turned on my cell phone to surf the net.

等到畢業生領畢業證書大家的注意力才又回到台上,每位畢業生都會有一位長輩替他們帶上畢業帽,很像是加冕,但我不解的是,每當帽子戴上,都會有 「轟噹」一聲! 我剛開始還無知的以為這是假的音效,直到後來,我走出去後才看到他們是在Main Building外發射大砲,每一位畢業生都會有一次,大砲聲,因此那個下午Uppsala並不平靜,一直碰碰碰(但那砲彈裡並不含傷殺性火藥,可是會有聲音,我也不知道為什麼?)
Every one's attention returned on stage until the graduates received their certificates. Every graduate would have an elderly put a cap on his or her head. It looked like being crowned. But one thing I could not understand is that every time when a graduate had his or her cap worn. There was a sound of "HON DON." At first, I stupidly thought it was a fake sound effect. Until I went out, I saw them having gun fire outside the building! Every graduate would have one gun fire. Thus, that afternoon, Uppsala was not tranquilt. The ban-ban-sound continued rising. (It was a kind of gun fire that did not have gunpowder inside, but it made sound. I do not know why.)    

後來我提早離開了,悄悄的走出二樓,前後待不到兩小時,典禮很美,也許是因為聽不懂,只能看外表,和聽音樂,他們都說瑞典文,我在想要是有一天我從這裡畢業,邀請我的家人來參加,他們聽不懂一定會心情不好,我現在是不會因為聽 不懂而難過啦!因為我從進去後也沒打算要聽懂,只是若能有中文,或許會,等到中文人口變無限多時吧! 不過這樣也失去了語文的獨特性,想了想,如果是這樣,那我想,聽不懂也沒關係吧,就尊重彼此的不同。
I left it early, walking out of the second floor silently. I did not stay inside for two hours. The ceremony itself was beautiful. Maybe it was because I could not understand the language. What I could see was the appearance and what I could hear was the music. They all spoke in Swedish. "What if I graduate here someday, and I invite my family to come. They would feel sad if they cannot understand!" ,I was thinking. I was not sad at this time, because I never thought of understand it after I went in. If it is in Chinese, maybe it will happen when Chinese become countless...but in this way, the unique of languages does not exist. So, if that is the case, I would rather to be people that cannot understand. It is fine. Respect each other.
會說話的老建築 A building with a lot of stories.
Our school insists that the building is new. But to me, she is old and with many stories. That is the reason I like it.

