2014年4月29日 星期二

有毯子的晚上The night with a blanket.

Vegan Monday






Actually, I don't know you.
But smiles connect everything together.

The crude picnic table sat beside the vegetable garden.
A rich amount of food was laid on it.

I bought one forth of watermelon.
I ate wild-vegetable pie, salad, and a lot of chocolate cake, with happiness.

And you talked gently.
Sometimes I didn't understand.
But your climate
let me feel I was not thousands of miles away from you.

The night had arrived.
We put on blankets.
sat shoulder to shoulder,
and the music spoke.

It was a music for funeral.
But it brought peace into people's heart.
To have this music once a time made death  not a crying-loud thing.
Just like I will leave you.
And will leave Sweden.
Smiles live within the unwilling mood.
Because we have the gentle power
connecting each other,
just like the blankets.

2014年4月27日 星期日

我的復活節My Easter holiday














The gentle strength of sunlight was flowing in the air.
The tears were running in eyes.

It was planned to be a farming afternoon.

But, accidentally, she dug out big questions in my mind.

How do we know where we should go?
Sitting on the ground, three people,
Standing by the shovel, one person

The shinning balls with you
explained your personality finely:
Freedom was running inside.

This week I am a farmer.
Next week I will be an artist.
What about next next week?
"Um, I haven't thought about what I want to explore more?"

"How do you know
how much freedom you have?"
The tears ran down too.

I am seeking.
I am trying.
To live a life with hands, feet, and heart.

Maybe I can't be like you guys
to have ourselves so sure.

But it doesn't state that
I will never be in this way.

So many frames and limitations
are put on us by ourselves.

I want to hear my voice.

2014年4月20日 星期日

斯德哥爾摩的電影節Film Festival in Stockholm

那是個漫長的一天,我第一次到斯德哥爾摩,卻沒有好好感受瑞典的首都,因為我待在電影院,看了兩部長的記錄片,和一部短的。這次電影節主題是浪費,我和我的朋友前幾天去ICA的垃圾回收處, 撿到許多香蕉和水果,並做成這次電影節的FIKA(點心),也算是和這次的主題相呼應,主辦單位很歡迎我們這樣做,因為我們真實的呈現給大眾,有多少食物被浪費,這些食物其實都還很完好,也都還可以做成好吃的點心。

"Traffic Dance"(垃圾之舞),主旨是要告訴我們當垃圾清潔人員可以是值得驕傲和有藝術性的工作。影片是從一位編舞者的角度拍攝,她進入社區裡的清潔隊,想要讓清潔人員跳一場關於他們工作的舞。



"工作的價值,究竟如何定義?高薪水,少勞力的工作就是比較有價值的工作嗎?"我問自己。為什麼媽媽聽到我想當農夫就不斷的告訴我要回歸現實,又為什麼金錢可以定意這麼多價值?我認為農夫是很重要的工作,他提供了人們最基本的生活需求,而且我還相信,當農夫絕對不是只要付出勞力,如何栽種植物,讓她們對環境友善的同時,也能長的挺拔翠綠; 當農夫也不是不需要生意腦袋,他們要懂得如何行銷這些作物。所有的這些事,背後的最後理念是永續發展。當我想一件事該如何做,我會想先問自己,這會是"永續"的事嗎?

永續發展和食物的關係是我在瑞典體認最深的議題,我看食物的製作過程如何影響氣候變遷,思索著食肉的意義,實際看到一桶一桶的食物被超商倒入垃圾堆,而我和這邊的朋友又如何把這些食物變成一餐請所有願意來的人吃,因為這些刺激,讓我覺得食物和人的關係不只是單純的生理需求,食物的生產影響到環境 ; 想當農夫,還得挑戰社會價值,認為這是不理想的工作; 人們對於食物的價值和丟棄食物時的態度讓我覺得還需要改變。


第二部我想分享的記錄片很沉重,是關於車諾比事件,片名是Metamorphism (變態,((型態改變))老實說接連看了兩場記錄片,一整下午又在斯市賣力騎腳踏車到戲院,我其實覺得內心已經裝不下訊息了,所以有些片段我睡著了。整體的內容是,核能廠發生意外後,很多具輻射的物質被排放到鄰近的河流。但,沒有人告訴當地的居民,他們只知道不能太靠近那條河。輻射的影響,存在於居住在這片土地上的人,並且是世世代代的。影片以黑白的方式呈現,最讓我心理不能負荷的是一開始,一張張居民面孔的特寫,他們看著你,大約有十秒,沒有背景音樂,只有風聲呼呼的響。他什麼都沒說,但他本身,就說盡了所有事,這些瘡疤,存在於人類歷史上,我要學會如何與之共存,為什麼當局者要隱瞞?




It was a long day. This was my first time to Stockholm, but I didn't have time to really see the city. Because I stayed in the theater, and watched two long documentaries, and one short documentary. The theme of the movie festival is "Waste."  My friends and I went to dumpster diving in ICA. We collected a lot of banana and  fruits, and made them into desserts, as fika for the film festival. It matches the theme of the festival as well. The organizer welcomed us to do so, because it really showed how much food had been wasted, how perfect it still was, and how delicious desserts it could still be made out of.

This time, tow documentaries stoke my heart the most.
The first one was Trash Dance. Its main idea was that being a trash cleaner, you can be proud and make the work artistic. The film was shouted through a choreographer's standpoint. She participated the work with local trash cleaners, and thinking about having them to perform a dance about their job.
At the beginning, everyone in the trash cleaning team thought it was ridiculous. The officer thought it as an impossible thing, and the trash cleaner didn't believe they can dance, not to say the dance had to be related to their job. But the choreographer joined their work. From cleaning the normal home-trash, dead animal bodies, to the messy and dirty streets after festival celebration. She had a basic, but important, understanding of those people. Those people would like to try her idea of performing a dance.

The big trunks that the trash cleaners used frequently, and a verity of vechicles related to cleaning showed up at the performance. Thought it was a raining night, a lot of local people came. They saw the amazing things these trash cleaners could do, and thought again the meaning of trash cleaners in their lives. Gradually, their perspectives toward these people had changed. After that, when the trash cleaners collect trash for people, they greet each other.

At the start of the documentary, one of the trash cleaners said he was afraid that his child felt proud of her father's job was only because she was little, and she thought driving a trunk was a cool thing. I think, his child maybe would change her view from just being cool to disapprove, influencing by social standard. But, finally, she would be proud after she understands the meaning of it.

I like this documentary, because it revealed how an important but being neglected job can be rethought and redefined by people through art. And the determination the choreographer
 showed. She turned things that were impossible to other into possible.

"How to judge the value of a job? Does a high salary and low labor-work job equal to a much valuable job?" I asked myself. Why my mother kept telling me to be realistic when I said I want to be a farmer? And why money could weight the value? I believe being a farmer is an important job. It provides the basic needs of everybody. And I also believe it doesn't only need labor work to be a farmer. How to cultivate an ecofriendly and greenish vegetable garden at the same time? Being a farmer also doesn't mean you don't  have a business brain, because you have to think how to market these crops. All of these things are within the view of sustainable development. When I think how to do a thing, I want to first ask myself is this a sustainable thing to do?

The connection between food and sustainable development is the issue that influences me the most in Sweden. I saw how the processing of food affect climate change, thought of the meaning of being carnivore, and watched how a bunch of food has been wasted, which my friends and I turned it into a meal, and invited people who were willing to eat to come. Because of these simulations, the meaning of food toward people is not just about fufilling physical need. The processing of food influences environment. The idea of being a farmer is being disputed, which the society see it as a not-ideal job. The value people give food and the attitude people have when throwing food away push me to think that these still have to be changed.

There are lots of things I need to learn and to reflect. Can my education in university provide me the fundamental ability to think this? I think these stimulation will not only occur in school. Instead, lots of the examples are happening in reality.

The second documentary I want to share is quite intense. It is about the accident in Chernobyl, and its name is Metamorphism. To be honest, I felt sleepy after watching two documentaries, and tired o from working really hard to bike from station to theater in Stockholm this afternoon. My brain can not load  more message, so in some clips of the movie, I fell asleep.

 The overall idea of the movie is that after the accident, the radioactive elements were dumped into the river nearby the nuclear power plant. But, no one told the residence there. They only knew they shouldn't get too close to that river. The effect of the radiation exists on the people living on that land, and it will exist through generations. The film was shoted black and white. For me, the most unendurable scenario happened at the very beginning, which the camera had people's face occupied the whole screen.  They looked at you, for about ten minutes. There was no background music, only the sound of wind, echoing "Whoo, whoo." He/She didn't say anything, but he/her self, already said everything needed to say. Why the local authority hid the news?

Their faces still came up to my mind after the film ended. A classmate sat behind me raise her hand and shared her thoughts. "I live not far away from this place, but I didn't know this until now. So thank you very much for having this film..." she said. I can't imagine that feeling. Really, I can't. When I turned back, she told me "You see. That's one of the reasons I don't want to go back to Russia." I felt more depressed. She is a really life example.

I haven't established the way to live with these scars. I scare. But how can I change? I haven't come up with an idea. However, the overall incident makes me think that I am still a blessed person. I "can" go back!  Though the politics in Taiwan is not stable, and the economy is not that idea, we have a place to live. That is enough for people to cherish.

I don't know the atmosphere in Stockholm, since I just came and watched the films. But, these films pushed me to see myself again. The train tickets were expensive, but I was happy I had came. These things are worthy to think.

2014年4月5日 星期六

和同學討論台灣的社會運動Discussing Taiwan's social movement with friends


當我們討論去靜坐的學生的動機時,P說,在華爾街的抗議,當你問每一位抗議民眾,你為什麼會在這裡,其實並不是每一個人都知道他或她為什麼會在這裡,這讓我漸漸有一新的感覺,原本以為學運是很純潔的,但我開始用比較理性的角度去看學運,而不純粹是情緒的感受。即使真的到場的人, 也不一定都是有相同的願景。
I must say it at first: Thanks to those classmates spending their time with me, responding to me, and discussing with me.
At the beginning of the anti-trade agreement incidence, I was shocked to see it Because, at the first instinct, I think the fact that students occupying parliament and the trade agreement itself are a really serious thing.
This shocked attitude suddenly turned into sad and depressed as the conflict between police and students happened. At that time, my thought was that no matter who is right or wrong, please, let no more people get hurt. And I started to wonder that would Taiwan become a really unfamiliar place when I get back. The first time in my life, I cried because of thinking Taiwan. (I have said the nonsense talk I had with my classmates  before.)
I talked to students at CEMUS.
I started to read what the trade agreement is about. Many friends posted things other than lazy-people guide on FB. There are the records in meeting with public , the agreement's effect on immigrant analysed by the teacher, the communication done by a teacher to ease the conflict between different generations, and some songs too. Sometimes when I was  a little tired, because of reading or thinking, it is good to listen to a song. But don't listen to it for too long, or we can be too emotional.

At the afternoon of yesterday, I discussed it with my classmates. One is from the States, P. One is from German, P. Two are from Belgium, V and A. And the other three are from Taiwan.
I learned, or I should say I felt, something in this discussion. When I said it is hard to remain the balance with this thing happening while I still want to see birds, tress, flowers and grass. P told me life still has beautiful things. Don't look at it in a narrow sense. There was one person, who got out of the concentration camp, still wanted to embrace the beautiful things life gave, he said. I think I am still thinking about how to remain this balance in this forever-rolling world.
When we talked about the motivation of the students going sit-in protest, P said, when you asked everyone in the Wall Street protest, you would find out, actually, not everyone knew why he or she was there. This fact gave me a new idea of the student social movement. I though student social movement as a pure thing. But now I see it with a more rational way, instead of an emotional way. Even for people who are there, they may not all have the same view.
When we talked about how this social movement can actually bring out solid effect, one of the Taiwanese said we should give the parliament back to officers to let them work, and to solve it in a soft way. His point is we gave those officers excuse to say they cannot work in the parliament occupied by the students. V asked us is it possible to discuss this issue with the leader of the movement. At first, people may say you are not supporting, but if you have the reason, they will see the point at the end, she said. At this point, I started to realize, I has too little passion to really say it. Because I don't have so much feeling of participating. But I knew she is someone that dare to say and act. This is especially true when things she cares come. I hope I can find things meant so much for me too. It is like living with your full effort.
The other Taiwanese student asked about the student social movement in Europe. V said it has been quite  a long time since last movement. But one teacher has asked them "What's wrong with you? There are so many unfair and unjustified things in the society. Why don't you protest?" I think, maybe the appearance of the next generations is sculptured by students, and students are often being looked as hopeful. And A talked about the movement in France, it was about racial conflict. I didn't understand this part well. Ukraine was mentioned too. It seems like the incidence in Ukraine can take as a contrast to Taiwan's situation. Another student mentioned about students protesting the modified rules of taking courses. The protest was quite big, at first. They occupied the school building. But as the Christmas holiday ended, the student had no power to stick together again, as they had all went home for Christmas. After listening about this, I started to think, how Taiwan's student social movement will end. Isn't it the time for spring holiday?
Few days before the discussion, I was hoping that it can give me some answers. "How a country should develop?" "How people should live with social issue?", for example. But during the process of searching information about the trade agreement, gradually, I felt that what I want is not a question followed by an answer. The development of society and my life do not have a specific answer. I even have an idea that the existing of society and life is not aimed for seeking answers.
At last, I want to say the happiest thing in this discussion is that I have friends to talk to:)

2014年4月2日 星期三

我因能認識你們而開心I am happy because I know you!

I want to finish  the beautiful photo of the excersion I had, even though it had nothing to do with the content.

在講話的過程中,我看到A對我笑,回坐位的過程我也看到後面的同學和旁邊的同學對我笑,雖然最後我旁邊的同學還是問我:台灣究竟發生什麼事? 這是我的錯,沒有講清楚。


Today was an anxiety day. Thinking about inviting classmates to discuss the social movement in Taiwan, and with the fist coming exam at night, I felt quite anxious.
But the truth is if I am brave enough, these avoidable worries would not exist. I think not only  people around me can add more ingredients of being brave to me, the efforts made by myself and the believe come from myself can also let me not be afraid. Today, many people gave me the previous one. I should help myself with the later one.
At the beginning, I was doubting that whether anyone in class would be interested in it. "Pay your attention" S said, helping me to draw back people's focus. As the time went on, I started with a bit of stuttering and sadness tone. I said the news I saw on fb, and I also said why I would want to tell everyone about this. I wish I can hear thought from those classmates, who have brought many space for me to think. At last, I played the Island Sunrise video. What made me feel sorry was that the subtitle is too small. People sitting in another side of the classroom couldn't really see it. During all the process, R helped a lot with changing mode from computer to the screen. Thanks him a lot.

When I spoke, I saw A smiled at me. When I came back to my seat, the classmates sitting back and next to me also smiled at me. Even though, the classmate sat next to me asked me afterwards " What's really happened in Taiwan?" It is my responsibility to let him know, since I had taken the time to speak. I should be more clear next time.
But, all in all, these smiles gave me an idea that it is not so difficult to speak. To be more accurate, it is not so terrifying to say one's opinion.

I gave the card to V today. I felt so happy I finally gave her the card. Because of her, I dare to think that I can talk to whole class to hear other's way of thinking. More than that, she let me understand I can learn with one step at a time. I truly hope someday I can be like her, living in a confidence and bright way. (It doesn't mean to be  her, but to be myself with the same spirit of  life attitude.)

And P, so much thanks I want to give him. He let me talk with a no-point way. Helping me to hold this event, while giving me so much room to decide time and place. I felt so touched that he believes in friendship so he listened to me. That is the best support one can give.
總覺得這種大動物特別讓我喜歡。I like this kind of large animal very much.
歐洲野牛(其實是被人養的)European bison(rasied by human)