2014年6月10日 星期二

學習不因考試完而結束Learing won't stop because the exam ended.

這門課在學期成果的欄位上表達的是: 能了解瑞典的脊椎動物,並應用在保育上。然對我來說,這其實更像是開啟我認識大自然的另一扇門; 學習結果,是會觀察周遭環境的鳥聲/身。





I finished my last exam today. It is about faunistics vertebrates in Sweden. There are a lot of birds, a lot of fishes, a lot of sounds, and some herptiles.
But this book, nature, can never be finished. How can I ever know all the fishes in the sea, and the birds in sky, forest and field?
The learning outcome in the course information said: To recognize vertebrates in Sweden, and to apply the knowledge in the field of conservation. Yet, for me, this course is more like opening a door leading me to nature; learning outcome is to be able to observe bird sounds and existence in the surrounding.
I was not sensitive to sounds around me when I walked into forest, or on the street. But after taking this course, I started to "listen". "What's that sound?", "Who is chattering outside the window?" Life becomes so much fun.
It was like course in dandrology  of forestry department, helping me open up another world's door.

I thanked the teachers in this course a lot. Over ten times of excursions, he did his best, and he always responded me, the very beginner, positively.

I remember my first test. It was in the field, and I got lost. So I was late to the test. Because of being late, and the request from the teacher was I have to be a ecotourist guide, telling him which bird was singing, and which bird flew by, I was nervous. I was not a good guide. When I was nervous, and the test was going to end, the teacher said something to me. This let me understand that I can do it better.
After the exam that day, I biked home. On the way, I couldn't bike but stop to think a question: Why did I take this course?

No one can read all the books in the world, like no one can see all the view in the world. But we can bring a curious mind to look at this world all the time! I think this is something this course taught me about. Look who is singing up of the head?
I went to some beautiful forest and beach areas because of this course. I even found a good place to have coffee. (fika, in Swedish) It turned out to be an eager to go in to nature, which was not something you do because of the test.
This course has finished. But my learning process never stops. It taught me how to listen, how to observe. My life is still going on. I hope earth is too:) By these facts, my learning never stop!

1 則留言:

  1. A nice sentence!! Learning won't stop because the exam ended. =))
