2014年8月24日 星期日

Living by learning

Bare with me. I don't have Chinese to type.

Few days ago, when I was cooking something on the camp fire, a friend of mine asked me what do I think about the course Climate Change Leadership.
I said this course helps me to learn more about myself and the constantly changing world. At frist, I can not come up with some straight forward answers, which are the things I have been thinking about for a long time. I felt rich inside my heart, but I can not say it precisely.

At the same day, I handed in my last assignment of this course. This is actually a revision. I have two assignments needed to be revisied. It took me some time to be positive to face it and rewrite my assignments. The main problem in my assignment is that I did not respond to the questions asked in the introduction, which I later found out I would feel disappointed if I can pass this course with assignments like these. I appreciate that my course cooridnators gave me a second chance.

After I finished all my works, I did ask myself what I have learned from this course. Then, a intuistic idea came to my mind. That is, living by learning. What does climate change bring to us? What does human reactions, all those climate change conferances, and the justice, the humanity within the idea,,, teach us?

The free atmosphere creates by corridnators and my classmates make me feel this class is different. Different to a point I can find myself's existence in the world. So that I had more time to reflect on my own life and other people's world.

"Leadership", a concept I didn't understand before. Now, I have a different feeling for it. It doesn't mean to be a leader. It doesn't mean one needs to have certain degree. Not to say it needs someone to do super important thing. Instead, it means to excercise one's influence on others, even just influencing a person around you. For things we want to change, and for things we see can be done better in this world. Leadership is not only about facing other. It is also about improving oneself. Try hard to understand oneself, create one's leadership style and reflect on one's connection to this world.

The world is changing. The perdiction or the solution we make may not always be what we understand. Uncertainty may be seen as a chance rather than a difficulty.  

2014年8月23日 星期六

我覺得我是活著的I feel alive :)

第一天上climate change leadership,我簡直連這堂課在討論什麼,我都不知道,我帶著一大串的問號離開。
但是我的適應力沒有被冰雪掩埋,在climate change leadership的課程裡,我開始發現閱讀的重要,因為這樣才能和同學討論。當老師在介紹與氣候變遷相關的會議,和組織,我也不會心裡一直冒問號。也是因為和同學有更多的討論,我開始接受不是每一個"困難",都必須立即有一個明確的"方案",這也改變我對自己生活的看法,重點是要不斷追尋。






能和一群朋友分享彼此的生命,閱讀彼此,是我心中最感激的事, 他們教我做菜,帶我曬太陽,誘導我跟隨音樂跳舞,即使我是個大肢障,重點不是什麼樣的舞步,而是自己想跳什麼?至少在一場演唱會裡可以這樣。




I'm in Taiwan. Even though my travel memory filled my brain, it is clear to think back on all the chapters I had in Uppsala.

I still remember the first day I had my dinosaurs course. (This is an old-fashioned opening, but please allowed me to say in plain sentences.) I could understand almost nothing. I did try to listen. But because of speaking in English,  because of the speed, and because of the environment, I really can not get anything clear.
The first day I had faunistics, vertebrates course, I also had no idea either. The teacher was introducing the organs of a frog, and I didn't know which part he exactly mentioned, corresponding to each English name.
The  first time I took Climate change leadership course, I could understand nothing, not to mention what was being discussed. I left the classroom with loads of questions.

But my adaptation ability did not be frozened by the cold snow. In Ccl course, I realized the importance of reading, becauase I want to discuss with friends. When the speaker was introducing meetings, and organizations, relating to climate change, I would not have question marks kept budding out of my heart. And because of having discussions with friends, I understood not every problem or difficulty need to have a solution right away. This idea also changes my view of life. The important thing is to keep searching.
Because of this course, I first felt that education is so close to society. Also because of this course, I can make connections between myself and future. From the words in the assigned readings, to diving into the real world, the whole process gave me a feeling of being alive. Under the sky, there are so many things, which relate to you so much. Climate change. How can you don't care about it? It is not for environment, not for green cities, but for us.

Faunistics, vertebrates course in Sweden, is the one that will make me smile when I recall it. I also got assignment needed to be revised, and two parts of the exams needed to be remake. But having a review on it sort of helping me understand why I want to take this course. What kind of knowledge and attitude I learned. And what kind of experiences I had. When I left, I sent the frog post card from Sitou and the Teacher's day card in Taiwan to the teachers. They were so happy. That may be the good thing to have exchange students. We can share cool thing together.

In general, I feel it needs a lot of self discipline to take Swedish course. How much you do all depends on how much you care. It's about your will, and nothing else. To have remake exam or an assignment needed to be revised, is not a sad "result". Rather, it is more like giving you a second chance. It is like cooking. The first time, if it burns, don't worry. Find out the solution and try it again.

I  used to be really polite to teachers in Taiwan. Saying thank you is common too. But I feel Swedish teachers are not used to that. They would not feel comfortable in their hearts. I think their attitude is more like "I am here to help you learn. It is the thing I should do."

Talking about their hardware, the teaching building and each department are comfortable, with at least one kitchen, one library, and one restaurant. One course of mine was in a new building. The big screen there is touchable. Even though I don't think every speaker was used to that. Maybe it is because the idea is still bit too new. There are a lot of space in the hallway and lots of small rooms, with a lot of tables and chairs being placed. Students can discuss and read books in these places.
Maybe it is because Sweden has a lot of space, and not so much people. They are able to design these areas into specific usages.
(Sweden has nearly 450 thousand square kilometer land area, with 9 million people.
Taiwan has 35 thousand square kilometer land area and with 23 million people.)

In this city, I like the library in Cemus pretty much. It is as comfortable as a living room. I can stay there the whole day on weekend. With big sofas, rocking chairs, coffee, a kitchen and yards, I never feel stifled. If you want, you can stay there for 24 hours, as long as you have a university card, which you should have no problem to have one. It is allowed to talk and to eat in the library. So it is actually more like a discussion room. But of course, there is still one area that you should be quiet.

Friends in Uppsala made my time there extremely colorful. The first time I told my German friend about the Trade Agrement in Taiwan, who was one or two years older than me, responded me in a quite calm attitude "Governments all do things like that." Even though I was quite immature, they were willing to share their views and listen to my feelings. Friends I made there also changed my taste in clothing. "I am too shy.." the first time I picked up a cloth in a swamp, I told V. But later on, I became more open. I thus started to think what kind of personality I want to convey through clothing.

I am thankful that we can share life together and read each other. They taught me how to cook, brought me out to enjoy the sun and led me to dance with music, even though I was like having legs and hip made out of steel. The point is not what steps we danced, but what movements our body want to do. At least during a concert.

I can not imagine to live a life so vivid like this. Oh, and also because of them, I found the must to have hugs. I enjoyed it, both boys and girls:)

Sweden, like Taiwan is not a perfect country. Maybe through my description, it is easy for you to make hypothesis like this. In fact, I hold this idea for quite a long time, too.
But this is the first place to keep my eyes sparkling for such a long time.
Thank you to my family, friends and the university. If I can not resist to kiss or hug you, it is just because I miss you too much..

The sky is still bright at 11pm.
The sky lights up at 3 am. And the pinkish sky every evening...
Did I paint them all?
To live with this strength,
Have I planted it inside my heart?
It is a trip to discover myself and free my soul.